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Rev 16

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The first three bowls

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels: Go, and pour out the seven vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a sore and grievous wound upon men, who had the character of the beast; and upon them that adored the image thereof. 3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and there came blood as it were of a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea. 4 And the third poured out his vial upon the rivers and the fountains of waters; and there was made blood. 5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying: You are just, O Lord, who are, and who was, the Holy One, because you have judged these things: 6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another, from the altar, saying: Yea, O Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.

16:1-21 Here we see God's final judgment against those who reject Christ and persecute His Church. This is not the Judgment Day that takes place after the resurrection, but punishment that takes place prior to the resurrection. Because the saints received the seal of the Holy Spirit on their foreheads (see verse 7:2) they are protected from these punishments, it is only for those who are under the subjection of the Antichrist. All these bowls are actual punishments from God, not symbolic of some natural disasters or human doings. This punishment from God pushes the Devil to make one last desperate attack on the Church, which is called the battle fo Armageddon. (John Litteral) For the whole exodus of the people out of Egypt, which took place under divine guidance was a type and image of the exodus of the Church which should take place from among the Gentiles; he will find that the nations are to receive the same plagues universally, as Egypt then did particularly. (St. Irenaeus Ag Her 4.30.4) These words of Irenaeus throw great light upon the Apocalypse; for there is introduced into them the subject matter of both the plagues, namely, the trumpets and vials, and which altogether occupy five or six chapters. In the foregoing words, moreover, we are admonished that these are the same plagues by which God brings forth the mystical Israel, that is, Christian people, from out of the mystical Egypt. (Luis of Alcasar)

16:1-2 This is similar to one of the plagues of Egypt Ex. 9:8 - 9:12 sore and grievous wound: this signifies the sin of unbelief. (Haimo of Auxerre) Probably, their bodies are to be physically wounded for the reprimand of their ulcerated soul through the diabolical darts of error by the Deceiver. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Haimo regards the ulcer as signifying the sin of unbelief. Andreas; "an ulcerous state of the soul, and wounds inflicted by the diabolical impostures of Antichrist and the darts of error." St. Ambrosius Autpertus; unwillingness to believe in Christ.

16:3-7 These next two bowls resemble a plague of Egypt Ex. 7:14 - 7:25

16:3 blood: it is likely that what is meant by this is the slaughters in wars during his second coming when Gog and Magog agitate against each other in the four parts of the earth. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or the Law of the Old Testament is water, which was afterwards turned by Christ into wine at the marriage-feast. For to the Jews was given the Scripture as sweet water, by which those might be saved who believed in Christ as promised to them; but these turned the same Scripture into the bitterness of unbelief, denying Christ, and delivering him over to death; thus turning it into blood, that is, into a carnal meaning. The sea therefore was made blood, as the blood of the body of a dead man, because they verily turned the Law into their own destruction, when they were always wishing to understand it in a carnal manner, and never to pass on to the spiritual sense. But with this evil are those proved to perish more fearfully, who, to their own damnation, denying Christ before the face of Pilate, are recorded to have said, 'His blood be upon us and upon our children.' And every living soul died in the sea.' By the whole we here understand a part. For it is not all who die through a carnal understanding of the law; because there are many who by the grace of God understand in a spiritual sense that which happened to the Jews in a figure. (Haimo of Auxerre)

16:4 And here is shown that the angels have been placed over the elements, as it had been said above. And of these, it says, the one who is placed over the waters praises God for the deserving condemnation He brought upon those who hâve transgressed, for he gave blood to drink to the ones who stained their hands with the blood of the saints. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or 'poured out his vial upon the rivers,' namely, announced punishment and divine vengeance to the false apostles of Antichrist and heretics who corrupt the Scriptures. 'And upon the fountains of waters,' that is, the leaders of heretics from whom the corrupt doctrine proceeds. 'Turned into blood.' By this is understood their detestable punishment; for in anything white, blood occasions abominable spots. This was their detestable and abominable plague; because their preaching was of the same kind. This is signified, Ex. 7, where Moses turned the waters into blood: because the good will shew that the preaching of these men is wicked and spotted. For the wicked will themselves shew in their own evil fate, that their preaching had heen evil. (Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro)

16:5-6 Although the Jews and Gentiles also poured out corporally the blood of the saints, which the Lord says that he will require at their hands; it nevertheless may be understood as a plague of blindness in such a sense, that those persons may be regarded as having poured out the blood of the prophets, who, abusing their true meaning, have turned it aside into a different- channel; after the same manner of speaking, as when, reading Moses .. . we are said to pour out the blood of Moses if we understand the words of the law after the literal sense which killeth. The slayers of whom therefore the Lord compels to drink blood; because the justice of Him who judgeth all things rightly demands, that they who have been unwilling to drink spiritual wine should be made drunk by the corruptions of their sins, as by bloods. As if the same Angel should say; Those who have carnally understood a spiritual law, are justly delivered over to the corruption of flesh and blood; where we perceive both the sin and the punishment of the sin. (St. Ambrosius Autpertus)

16:7 The altar at some times signifies Christ as in him and through him we offer to the Father our rational whole burnt offerings and living sacrifices Rom 12:1 as we have been taught to offer by the Apostle. At other times it symbolizes the angelic powers, because they carry up our prayers and spiritual whole burnt offerings, which, we have heard, they are sent for service for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation. Heb 1:14 Therefore, from this liturgical altar, it says, the voice is carried off, justifying all the judgments of God. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or according to Francisco Ribera the angel heard from the altar, the same is signified as by the angel mentioned in chap. 8:3; which was there seen to signify the angels of the celestial heaven, as designated by the fire of the altar, which signifies love.

The second three bowls

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given to him to afflict men with heat and fire: 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who has power over these plagues, neither did they penance to give him glory. 10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom became dark, and they gnawed their tongues for pain: 11 And they blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains and wounds, and did not penance for their works. 12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon that great river Euphrates; and dried up the water thereof, that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun.

16:8 Perhaps people will also be physically burnt by the flames of the sun at that particular time. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or a drought, the affliction, and the distresss of the survivors of wars. (Oecumenius) Or what is it for the angel to pour out his vial upon the sun, except it be to adduce the preaching of the truth against the perverse dogmas of Antichrist, and his ministers? 'And it was given him,' says John, 'to scorch men with heat and with fire.' What else is the fire or heat with which a part of the beast is said to be scorched, but the heat of envy, spleen, wrath, zeal, emulation, animosity? (St. Ambrosius Autpertus)

16:9 They would not give glory to God because they would not acknowledge themselves to be sinners and praise the just judgments of God; but, on the contrary, as is the custom of the wicked, they defend their own iniquities and blame the judgments of God. (Haimo of Auxerre) This is why the plagues happened, so that since they did not acknowledge their master as a result of God’s kindnesses to them, at any rate they might acknowledge Him as a result of their torments. (Oecumenius)

16:10 This is very similar to the plague in Egypt in Ex. 10:21 - 10:29 . The darkness was so intense that the Egyptians even felt it v.21. ( John Litteral) Or in distress at what has happened, they will experience darkness in their reasoning. (Oecumenius) The throne of the beast is the kingdom of Antichrist; which shall be darkened by this pouring out, because it shall altogether so appear, and be wholly destitute of the light of the Sun of righteousness. Therefore of the darkness of doctrine, Antichrist's kingdom shall be utterly overwhelmed. (Andreas of Caesarea) gnawed their tongues: This usually happens in any excessive agony, when people have been accustomed to bite their tongues or a part of their body thinking that in this way they will alleviate much of their agony. (Oecumenius)

16:12 Probably by divine permission the Euphrates is lessened to give passage to the kings of the nations for the purpose of them utterly destroying one another and the rest of humanity. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or the water is dried up when the doctrine of heretics or even of philosophers is confounded, so that they can no longer persuade men to their lies. (St. Gregory the Great). God dried up the river, when he took away doctrine from the Jews. (Rabanus Maurus) By these kings are understood saints, who rightly govern themselves and others, and restrain by rule the motions of the flesh; who are said to come from the rising of the sun, because they are called by the Lord who is the true Sun of righteousness. (Haimo of Auxerre)

The unclean spirits

13 And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. 14 For they are the spirits of demons working signs, and they go forth to the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he shall gather them together into a place, which in Hebrew is called Armagedon.

16:13 frogs: The demons are compared to frogs because they rejoice in the muddy and slimy life of humans. (Oecumenius) Or such will be the ministers of Antichrist; because they will be perceived not so much to speak, as rather with garrulous voices to croak. They will likewise take from the elect their rest; everywhere severely persecuting them; and will crawl about in the mud, that is, in the uncleanness of sins. (Haimo of Auxerre) Or it means that the mouth of the dragon signifies the inspiration of the Devil; the mouth of the beast, the words of Antichrist; the mouth of the false prophet, the false apostles of Antichrist; the three unclean spirits. all false Christians. (St. Albert the Great)

16:14 The kings of the earth: these are the wicked who know not how to exercise restraint over themselves or others, in regard to earthly cupidities. (Richard of St. Victor)

16:15 thief: He has continued with the figure of the thief, so that he must be on guard. (Oecumenius) garments: that love of God and of our neighbor in virtue of which we keep the commandments. (St. Ambrosius Autpertus)

16:16 gathered together in one place: that is into one consent and one evil will. This is said by reason of their unity in wickedness, for what one does that all the rest do likewise. (Haimo of Auxerre) Armageddon: means the "Mountain of Megiddo", which is in Israel, and it is the place where many battles have been fought. Armageddon is to be understood here symbolically of the places throughout the world that Satan's armies are going to attack the Church since the Church is spread throughout the world. (John Litteral) Or Armageddon is not a name proper to any given place; but is a name coined from the Hebrew, with a view to the signification of this mystery; for it properly signifies a place suited to the laying of snares. Wherefore in this passage it is intimated, that when the Gentiles became more active, and firm in their attitude of war against the church; then most especially were they led away by God, and drawn into those snares which he had prepared for them. (Luis of Alcasar)

The seventh bowl

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial upon the air, and there came a great voice out of the temple from the throne, saying: It is done. 18 And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunders, and there was a great earthquake, such an one as never had been since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake, so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts; and the cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And great hail, like a talent, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great.
16:18 The flashes of lightening, voices, and thunders mean the amazing nature of these occurrences and the future coming of Christ, just as in ancient times in the descent of God upon Mount Sinai. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or what else are we to understand to be designated in the lightnings; but the signs of miracles? what else in the voices, but preachings? what else in the thunders, but comminations? But inasmuch as together with the word of preaching, and the terrors of comminations, we are told that there will be the signs of miracles; so it is not here sufficiently clear whether the miracles are those of good men contradicting falsity; or those of wicked men resisting the truth, with a view to try the good and to harden the wicked; or whether both of these will alternate with each other. (St. Ambrosius Autpertus)

16:19 A great city we take to mean Jerusalem, not great in population and because of great buildings, but the most ancient and greatest in respect to God, also to be contradistinguished from the pagan cities by the sufferings of Christ. This division into three (sections) means, we think, Christians, Jews and Samaritans in it, or, the steadfast believers, and those who pollute their baptism with filthy actions, and those Jews who never accepted the apostolic preaching. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or the great city is the genus, the cities of the nations, the species. (Haimo of Auxere) Luis of Alcasar interprets only that they are applied to the breaking up of idolatrous religions in the early ages of Christianity. Nicholas of Lyra says that, "morally, the city divided is the Church (which ought to be a union of citizens into one) divided into three parts; for some adhered to the doctrine of Arius, some to the doctrine of the Church, some were doubtful concerning both." Cornelius a Lapide says, that by the division of the city into three parts 'many understand the going over to various parties and schisms;' Arethas and Oecumenius, that the cities of the nations which fell may signify various sentiments and opinions concerning religious faith, and which easily fall by reason of their mutual discordance. Babylon: Babylon is the world or Rome. (St. Eucharius of Lyons Form. bk 9) According to Cornelius a Lapide, a Satanic Church.

16:20 Islands are the churches and mountains are the leaders of them. (St. Andrew of Caesarea) Or islands are the Church, which from the height of its stability is compared with islands and mountains, prudently hides itself from the waves of the persecutors. (St. Bede)

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