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Chapter 1

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Titus 1:6

This, Having children who do not curse, that is to say, let them not be without discipline like the sons of Eli the priest.


Titus 1:12

This, The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts and idle bellies, etc. Now a poet of Crete who was considered a prophet among them, some say his name was Maxanidus (Epimenides), others that it was Minos son of Zeus; but he calls him a prophet, according to the idea of the Heathen about him, and it is evident from his adding their own; now this man, because many said about his father, who had of old been called Dios, but afterwards changed his name and was called Zeus, that is to say, living, that he went up to Heaven, and became higher than all the gods; the Cretans alone said, that he was a tyrant and a rebel; and when these said that he was not a mortal man, but an immortal god; the Cretans on the other hand said that he was killed, and they show his grave amongst them. For this reason Minos said about them, that they were liars, and think contrary to the ideas of all men; and they resemble destructive beasts, and are eager to falsify the writings of the poets; so therefore the Apostle also, finding them liars in their dealings with him, employed this saying about them, as for their reproof; and not agreeing with or accepting or praising that poet. This  then he said about those who believed from among the Gentiles, as one who  wishes to grieve them, because they had forsaken the truth and had been led after those who were of the Circumcision.



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