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Chapter 2

*AMBROSE Again he began to engage in these duties, if he had any provisions, seeking a stranger with whom he might take his food.  And so when he had returned weary from performing the office of burial, and a supply of food had been set before him, sending out his son he sought a companion for his banquet.  While the guest was being summoned, announcement having been made of the remains of an unburied body, he left the banquet and did not think it was pious that he should himself take food while a lifeless body lay publicly exposed.  This was his daily task, and indeed it was a great one.  For if the law requires us to cover the living who are naked, how much rather should we cover the dead.  If we are wont to escort those starting out on rather distant journeys, how much rather should we those who have set forth to that eternal home where they return no more.  I, said Job, "wept over every one that was afflicted."  Who is more afflicted than the dead, concerning whom Scripture says in another place, "Weep over the dead!"  And Ecclesiastes says, "The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning and the heart of fools in the house of feasting."  Nothing is more excellent than this duty, to give to him who can no longer make a return to you, to deliver from the birds, to deliver from the beasts your consort in nature.  Wild beasts are said to have rendered this kindness to dead bodies; shall men refuse it?

*RABANUS He who is in the light abstains from vices, for which it is said, "For the thought of man shall give praise to you (Ps 75:11)."  And in another passage, "Be still and know that I am God (Ps. 45:11)."  For we should not plunge ourselves headfirst into danger or test God when we can take reasonable action. Accordingly, If they persecute you in one city, flee into another (Matt. 10:23). And elsewhere: Jesus, moreover, concealed himself and left the temple (Jn. 8:59). And Paul was lowered in a basket down the wall (cf. Act. 9.25; 2 Cor. 11.33). And Jesus went to Egypt and dwelled there until Herod's death. (cf. Matt. 2:14-15).
2:1 But after this, when there was a festival of the Lord, and a good dinner was a.prepared in Tobit's house,
2:2 He said to his son: b.Go, and bring some of c.our tribe that d.fear God, to feast with us. 
2:3 And when he had gone, returning he told him, that one of the children of Israel lay slain in the street. And he forthwith leaped up from his place at the table, and e.left his dinner, and came fasting to the body.  2:4
And taking it up carried it privately to his house, that after the sun was down, he might bury him cautiously. 2:5
And when he had hid the body, he ate bread with f.mourning and g.fear,  2:6
Remembering the word which the Lord spoke by Amos the prophet: Your festival days shall be turned into lamentation and mourning.  2:7
So when the sun h.was down, he went and i.buried him.

a. where the spiritual mind is restored or the physical body is sustained, while in the service of God, "For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as also Christ does the Church: (Eph 5:29)."

b. He does not want to eat his morsel alone, from which Job says: 'If I have eaten my morsel alone.' (Job 31:17)

c. Especially the family of believers.

d. Not those who only kill the body
Both spiritually and physically. Hence, 'Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.' (Ps. 132:1
'Blessed is he that understands concerning the needy and the poor,' (Ps. 40:2)
Truly poor is the one who fears in the manner of sons. Hence 'Blessed is the man who fears the Lord'. (Ps 1:1)

e. Preferring food for the soul and body.

f. his neighbor. 
'My tears have been my bread day and night (Ps 41:4).'

g. tyrant; 'Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God, the things that are God's (
Mat. 22:21, and Mk. 12:17, Lk. 20:25).'

h. For death covered the Son of Justice.

i. Buried, revealing the size of sin.


*BACHIARIUS But Tobias fearing God... Didn't the blessed Tobit thus earn the indulgence of heavenly mercy by giving burial to his brothers who had died in captivity?  I believe, urging and pressing penitence on those who had lapsed under the domination of a worldly prince. Therefore, let us, too, in accordance with what he deserves, cover his body.

BEDE Now it happened.
Do not wonder, if there is ever good that signifies bad, while bad signifying good.  If this were not possible, then one would never write 'God is light' on a black vessel but always in bright gold.  But if you write the name of the Devil in white stone, nevertheless it still signifies darkness. Therefore Tobit's blindness represents as an example, 'that blindness in part has happened in Israel (Rm 11:25).'  He grew weary from the burial and was blinded.  For he that persists in good works without ceasing does not lose the light of faith.  While the one who neglects to stay awake, to stand firm, act like a man, and disregards strength, to whom it is said, 'Arise, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, "etc.. (Eph. 5, 14)

2:8 Now all his a.neighbors blamed him, saying: once already commandment was given for you to be slain because of this matter, and you did scarce escape the sentence of death, and do you again bury the dead?  2:9 But Tobit fearing b.God more than the c.king, d.carried off the bodies of them that were slain, and e.hid them in his house, and at midnight buried them.  2:10 Now it happened one day that being wearied with burying, he came to his house, and cast himself down by the wall and slept,
a. friends of the flesh, not men of evil disposition.  'For no plague is more effective at injuring than a familiar enemy.'

b. God, who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. "(Mat. 10:28)

c. can kill only the body.

d. hastened in secret.

so that he would not neglect his duty of humanity, and so that he does not offend the king.


*AMBROSE And as he was sleeping. While the prophet was tired by such a holy duty while resting in his chamber, he was blinded by the dung falling from a swallow's nest, but he did not complain and lament, nor did he say, 'Is this the reward from my labors?'  He grieved more at being deprived of the performance of the office of burial than by his eyes, and considered his blindness not a penalty, but a hindrance.

BEDE out of the swallow's nest. Because of the smooth flights, swallows signify pride and fickleness, the impurity of which blinds whom it dominates.  For one who carelessly subjects the mind to the fickleness  of sport and pride sleeps as though under a swallow's nest.  This was the blindness given to the people of Israel when the coming of the Lord in the flesh was at hand, when the yoke of Roman bondage pressed hard upon them and they violated the divine precepts of the law by evil living.
2:11 And as he was sleeping, hot dung out of a swallow's nest fell upon his eyes, and he was made blind. 2:12 Now this trial the Lord therefore permitted to happen to him, that an example might be given to posterity of his patience, as also of holy Job.

Because the judgement of God begins at the home, whence, "and begin at my sanctuary (Ez 9:6)."  For he who is not corrected is not a son, "He that spares the rod hates his son (Prov. 13:24)."  Paul, as a boy, is hit lest he be extolled as a youth.
2:13 For whereas he had always feared God from his infancy, and kept his commandments, he repined not a.against God because the evil of blindness had b.befallen him,  2:14 But continued immoveable in the c.fear of God, giving d.thanks to God e.all the days of his life.
a. As it is said of Job, 'In all these things Job sinned not by his lips (Job 1:22).'

b. when he was tired.

c. fear like a son, as it is said, "Fear the Lord all you saints (Ps 33:10)."

d. as Job, "
as it has pleased the Lord, so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21)."

The whole life of the righteous is as a day, from which it is said: 'In the the days of Elijah' (Lk. 4:25). 'Job died, full of days.' (Cf. Job 42:16)


BEDE insulted. There were some among the people who with foolish audacity scoffed at the trials of that same people because it was now far from the ancient blessedness of the holy fathers who once served God nobly.  Through all its learned and chosen men that some people used to make every effort to correct such scoffers and applied itself to seeking God's forgiveness so as to gain eternal life.  Nor should it seem strange that this same Tobit, who was blind yet also reproved yet also chosen.  For Jacob, by wrestling with the angel, became lame yet also blessed, clearly signifying the unfaithful of his race in lameness, the faithful in blessing. 

Tobit, a holy man and on the other hand rebuked man, does not cease from charity.  Whence, 'Charity is patient charity is kind, etc (1Cor 13:4).'
2:15 For as the kings insulted over holy Job: so his a.relations and kinsmen b.mocked at his life, saying: 2:16 c.Where is your d.hope, for which you gave e.alms, and buried the dead?
a. of the flesh.

All that will live godly in Christ shall suffer reproach.

c. nowhere

d. rewarding or profitable hope.

Like a mercenary. For the bad ones either serve God like slaves because they fear, or, like mercenaries, seek a reward; for that reason they will never receive the happiness which is God himself.

*AMBROSE Take heed, lest. And when his wife was contributing to his support through her earnings, he took care that nothing stolen should enter his house.

*AUGUSTINE It is better to be poor and insufficient, and to be given no approval, than for a man to bring harm by theft or fraud.  To have unlawfully stolen from others in any way, to himself he closes the access to the heavenly kingdom.  Hence, it is said, "Nor thieves, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:10)."

*CYPRIAN And Tobit, after his splendid works, after the many glorious commendations of his mercy, having suffered blindness of the eyes, fearing and blessing God in his adversity, by that very affliction of his body increased in praise. And him also his wife tried to corrupt, saying: 'Where are your acts of clemency? Behold what you
are suffering!' But he steadfast and firm in his fear of God and armed for all endurance of suffering by the faith of his religion did not yield in his affliction to the temptations of his weak wife, but deserved more of God through his greater patience.
2:17 But Tobit rebuked them, saying: Speak not so: 2:18 For we are the children of a.saints, and b.look for that life which God will c.give to d.those that never change their faith from him. 2:19 Now Anna his wife went daily to weaving work, and she brought home what she could get for their living by the e.labor of her hands. 2:20 Whereby it came to pass, that she received a young kid, and brought it home: 2:21 And when her husband heard it bleating, he said: f.Take heed, lest perhaps it be stolen: restore it to its owners, for it is not lawful for us either to eat or to touch any thing that comes by theft.  1:22 At these words his wife being angry answered: It is g.evident the hope is come to nothing, and your h.alms now i.appear.  2:23 And with these and other, such like words she upbraided him.
a. We must be like the holy forefathers

b. looking to the future so that we are faithful.

c.through grace; for the grace of God is eternal life.

d. perseverance is not for beginners.  The last days of man is to be expected.  Hence, '
but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved (Mt 10:22).'

e. 'For you shall eat the labors of your hands: blessed are you etc. (Ps 127:2)' and whoever does not work should not eat, 'if any man will not work, neither let him eat (2Thess 3:10).'

The husband corrects the wife, reason corrects sensuality.

g. Reason seeks after what is yet to come and invisible things, our Eve does the opposite.

h. fruit of alms giving

i. appears to have died.
