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Chapter 3

1. Woe to her who is filthy and polluted-the dove-like city.   א.
Woe to her who is filthy and polluted: Until now, Zephaniah was speaking of Ninveh, but now he refers to Jerusalem: Woe to her who is destined to be plundered and sullied like dung. It will be polluted with the filth of its iniquity.   :
filthy: as in (Lev. 1:16) “its crop” ; and (Nahum 3:6) “And I will make you like dung.”   :
the dove like city: Like a silly dove, without a heart.   :
2. She did not obey, she did not accept reproof. She did not trust in the Lord. She did not draw near to her God.   ב.
3. Her princes in her midst are roaring lions; her judges, wolves of the evening. They did not leave over the bones for morning.   ג.
wolves of the evening: who hasten to devour their prey at night.   :
They did not leave over the bones for morning: They did not leave over even the bones to gnaw in the morning.   :
4. Her prophets are unstable, treacherous people. Her priests have profaned the sanctuary; they have removed the Torah.   ד.
they removed the Torah: They did not teach it to those who inquired of them.   :
5. The Lord is just in her midst; He commits no injustice. Every morning He brings His judgment to light. It does not fail. But the one who commits injustice knows no shame.   ה.
The Lord is just: He caused His Shechinah to rest in their midst; therefore, He cannot look upon their evil deeds. He is just, and there is no injustice before Him.   :
He brings His judgment to light: He judges a true judgment to its absolute truth.   :
But the one who commits injustice knows no shame: But the unjust judges do not take it to heart, to be ashamed because of the Righteous One Who dwells among them.   :
6. I have cut off nations; their towers have become desolate. I have destroyed their streets so that no one passes by. Their cities have become waste so that there is no man-so that there is no inhabitant.   ו.
I have cut off nations: I brought retribution upon the nations so that you should see and fear as He concludes, “I said, ‘Surely you will fear Me.’”   :
7. I said, "Surely you will fear Me, you will accept reproof, and her dwelling shall not be cut off, all that I ordained upon her." But they arose early and corrupted all their deeds.   ז.
I said, “Surely you will fear Me… and her dwelling shall not be cut off”: Her dwellings shall not be destroyed.   :
all that I ordained upon her: And all the good that I ordained to bring upon her shall not be cut off from her.   :
8. Therefore, wait for Me, says the Lord, for the day that I will rise up to meet [with you]. For it is My judgment to assemble nations, to gather kingdoms, to pour out My fury upon them; yea, all the kindling of My wrath, for with the fire of My jealousy all the earth shall be consumed.   ח.
That I will rise up to meet: When I will rise to meet with you.   :
9. For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the Lord, to worship Him of one accord.   ט.
10. From the other side of the rivers of Cush, My supplicants, the community of My scattered ones-they shall bring Me an offering.   י.
From the other side of the rivers of Cush: They will bring Me an offering.   :
My supplicants: those who pray to me.   :
the community of My scattered ones: The gatherings of My scattered ones, whom I scattered.   :
11. On that day you shall not be ashamed of all your deeds [with] which you rebelled against Me, for then I will remove from your midst those who rejoice in your pride, and you shall no longer continue to be haughty on My holy mount.   יא.
you shall not be ashamed of all your deeds: Because you have already suffered, and your iniquity has been expiated.   :
12. And I will leave over in your midst a humble and poor people, and they shall take shelter in the name of the Lord.   יב.
a humble and poor people: A humble people that submits to humiliation.   :
13. The remnant of Israel shall neither commit injustice nor speak lies; neither shall deceitful speech be found in their mouth, for they shall graze and lie down, with no one to cause them to shudder.   יג.
14. Sing, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O Israel! Rejoice and jubilate wholeheartedly, O daughter of Jerusalem!   יד.
15. The Lord has removed your afflictions; He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst-you shall no longer fear evil.   טו.
your afflictions: justice in French.   :
16. On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, "Have no fear! O Zion, let your hands not be slack.   טז.
17. The Lord your God is in your midst-a Mighty One Who will save. He will rejoice over you with joy. He will be silent in His love. He will jubilate over you with song."   יז.
A Mighty One will save: He is a Mighty One, Who will save [Israel] from the enemy.   :
He will be silent in His love: He will conceal your transgressions with His love. So did Jonathan render: He will cover your sins with His love.   :
18. Those who are removed from the appointed season I have destroyed. They were of you-it was a burden of shame upon her.   יח.
Those who are removed from the appointed season: I destroyed those removed from My appointed seasons, those who did not keep the Sabbaths and the festivals.   :
I have destroyed: lit., I gathered in.   :
they were of you: They were of your people.   :
it was a burden of shame upon her: That guilt was a burden of shame to you.   :
Those who are removed: an expression of taking out, as in (Prov. 25:4) “Take away the dross from the silver”; and (II Sam. 20:13) “When he was removed from the highway.” The only radical letter is the “gimel.”   :
19. Behold, I wreak destruction upon all those who afflict you at that time. And I will save the one who limps, and I will gather the stray one, and I will make them a praise and a name throughout all the land where they suffered shame.   יט.
Behold, I wreak destruction: Jonathan rendered: Behold I wreak destruction. It may also be interpreted as an expression of crushing, as in (Mal. 3:21): “And you shall crush the wicked.”   :
throughout all the land where they suffered shame: Every place where they were for their shame, there I will make them to be a praise and a name.   :
20. At that time I will bring them, and at [that] time I will gather you, for I will make you a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your captivities before your eyes, said the Lord.
Subpages (1): Rashi