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Ishodad of Merv on 1 Thessalonians

> ‎Chapter 4‎ > ‎Chapter 5‎ > ‎  

Now Paul came to Macedonia by a Divine revelation; and arrived at Thessalonica, which was in this province; and he taught the Faith there. But it happened that the opponents were filled with rage, and they caused him to suffer many evils, him and the Believers who were there; and on account of this he went thence, and came to Athens and was anxious about them, lest on account of the severity of opponents, they had removed from the truth; so therefore he sent Timothy to them; first, to learn if they had changed or not; and again, to console and admonish them about the things that were profitable. He then, when he had done all that Paul had commanded him, returned to him and informed him, that they had not relaxed from the truth in spite of the multitude of evils they had borne; he told him also various affairs in which they required to be directed. So therefore Paul wrote this Epistle to them, praising their fortitude in sufferings, etc., as we have been approved of God, to be entrusted with His Gospel, that is, thus he says, we are, as now we have been, proved, and are worthy to have entrusted to us a doctrine which is pure and true.

Subpages (1): Chapter 4