Chapter 5


2 Thess 5:14

This, Reprove malefactors; encourage the feeble-minded; support the weak. He calls malefactors those who were not conducting themselves properly; and the feeble-minded those who were sorrowing above measure for the departed; and the weak those who were committing fornication.


2 Thess 5:19-21

Quench not, he says, by means of wicked works the grace of the Spirit which you have received; and despise not the prophecies (Verse 20) which have been given to some of you. And because there were also many who were leading astray in the form of true prophecies, he says. Prove all things; and hold fast that which is good (Verse 21); that is to say, do not reject true things on account of fallacious ones, but prove them by their fruits.

Subpages (1): Ishodad