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Chapter 1

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1 Tim 1:4

This, that they should not give heed to fables and stories of endless genealogies; this he specially commands and admonishes those who believed among the Gentiles, that they should not listen to the Jews who were teaching Circumcision and the Law, and relating genealogies and pedigrees, and how so and so was born of so and so, and the rest of such things.


1 Tim 1:8-9

And lest it should be thought that by these words he was rejecting the Law, he says, For we know that the Law is good, if a man use it like itself, etc. These things I say, not that I reject the Law, but the thought of those who do not know how to use it; (Verse 9) knowing that the Law is not appointed for the Righteous; I am convinced that the just and the righteous do not need this Law, because it is written on their heart; but it was established on account of the wicked, etc. Therefore, he says, because we have believed, and because by means of Baptism we have received the type of future things, the establishment of a law is to us superfluous; as henceforth we do not turn from sin on account of the Law, but in order that we may resemble the things of the world to come, as we are already amongst them in a type.


1 Tim 1:10

Instead of blessed the Greek says most blessed, that is. His blessedness is in His nature, but He makes us worthy of this by grace.


1 Tim 1:18

According to the earliest prophecies, etc., that is to say. By a Divine revelation I have chosen thee, and I have endowed thee with the work of teaching, or at the beginning of thy discipleship, he says, many receivers of revelations prophesied about you, that you would be laborious and eager in preaching, that you by them might war a good warfare, that is to say, the prophecies were a sign of the grace of Him who chose you but it is yours to confirm you election by labor; for election is not coercive of the will of those who are elected, as election did not constrain even Judas.


1 Tim 1:20

Whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme, etc.; that is to say, I have removed them from the Church, like this, That you deliver such a one to Satan (1 Cor 5:5); but he calls expulsion from the Church deliverance to Satan? He says, I have expelled them from the Church; not as if she would not receive them if they rectify themselves, but that they may be exercised in the works of repentance, and turn from blasphemy and return to the Truth. Others say that because they were fluent and cunning in the wisdom of the world and of the Law, and were able, like Elymas, to pervert many from the Truth, he took the grace away from them by which, through union with the Body of Christ, they were speaking with tongues and working miracles; and because they were deprived of grace, they became the abodes of the alien Power, that through it, like Saul, they might be punished by Demons; but these, Hymenaeus and Alexander, and Demetrius and Phygellus and Hermogenes, were from Ephesus, some of whom sought to establish Heathendom, and some Judaism.

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