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Chapter 5

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1 Tim 5:1

Rebuke not an Elder; he calls an Elder, not him who had received the rank, but any old man and ancient in days.


1 Tim 5:9

Therefore choose widows, her who is not less, etc. Choose widows, and write in diptychs, so that they may be nourished by the Church; one that is not less than threescore, etc.


1 Tim 5:13

Idle women tattlers, that is to say, silly story tellers, like the phrase Proverbs of Solomon (12:11); and he who separates vain women to himself is void of wisdom.


1 Tim 5:21

This, Let not your mind be prejudiced in anything, that is to say, do not decide on any one beforehand, before an examination of the fact and the testimony of witnesses; as if some prejudice were taking hold of your mind, either with clemency or hatred to a person.


1 Tim 5:23-24

Paul commanded Timothy to use a little wine, because his body was weak, both from sickness and from abstinence; and because Timothy considered, that if he should do this, it would be thought by people that he was acting carelessly, and many should be offended; so because of this Paul adds and says, (Verse 24) There are men whose sins are known, and go before them to judgment; and there are some whom they follow after. Thus also good works are known; and those who are otherwise, that is to say, as the follies of men are manifest, and are preparing them for future torment, although sometimes hidden in this world; thus also good and diligent works are many of them known to men; and those that up till now are hidden from many, it is impossible that they should be totally concealed.


1 Tim 5:24-25

This, Some men they follow after, that is to say, although their works are hidden from men, yet they do not depart from them; yet they will be revealed, and are preparing them for future torment. Therefore, he says, not as if you did fear lest an unbecoming supposition should come upon you from men, such as fornication, etc., shall you vex your body and strive, as if you were persuaded that the suspicion of people in many cases should turn out good; if we act as we ought to do, we shall not in any way be hurt by this, even though they are not aware of all our conduct. Hanana says, There are some whose sins will be revealed before the future judgment and there are some whom they follow after; that is to say, after their death, that is to say, deeds being done by others, they are considered to be their inventors, as when a man seizes from his comrade a mill or a vineyard, etc.,  and others afterwards use them; primarily the sin is counted upon him who robbed and seized, even if he be dead; or he should invent a dishonest deed, etc. Again, they follow after, like the sins of heresiarchs, which they hide for an hour; and lo! they increase and multiply among those who practice them, like Manes and Marcion, etc., who have gone first astray, and have led others astray after them. (Verse 25) Likewise also good and virtuous works which they have done and then others have learned after them, etc.





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