Chapter 1

> ‎Chapter 2‎ > ‎Chapter 3‎ > ‎Chapter 4‎ > ‎Chapter 5‎ > ‎Chapter 6‎ > ‎Chapter 7‎ > ‎Chapter 8‎ > ‎Chapter 9‎ > ‎Chapter 10‎ > ‎Chapter 11‎ > ‎Chapter 12‎ > ‎Chapter 13‎ > ‎Chapter 14‎ > ‎Chapter 15‎ > ‎Chapter 16‎ > ‎Chapter 17‎ > ‎Chapter 18‎ > ‎Chapter 19‎ > ‎Chapter 20‎ > ‎Chapter 21‎ > ‎Chapter 22‎ > ‎Chapter 23‎ > ‎Chapter 24‎ > ‎Chapter 25‎ > ‎Chapter 26‎ > ‎Chapter 27‎ > ‎Chapter 28‎ > ‎Chapter 29‎ > ‎Chapter 30‎ > ‎Chapter 31‎ > ‎Chapter 32‎ > ‎Chapter 33‎ > ‎Chapter 34‎ > ‎Chapter 35‎ > ‎Chapter 36‎ > ‎  

Ver. 5. Sought it: went (Menochius) to offer sacrifice, (Tirinus) in the second year of his reign, the year before Christ 1013.

Ver. 6.

Victims. Hebrew, "holocausts," either with his own hand, or by the ministry of the priests. See 1 Kings xiii. 12. (Calmet)

Ver. 7.

Night, after the victims had been offered. On this occasion, Solomon made this prayer, and was heard, 3 Kings iii. 5. (Calmet)

Ver. 10.

People, as a king ought to do. (Menochius)

Ver. 13.

Before. Hebrew and Septuagint, "from before the tabernacle," which was at Gabaon. there was another at Jerusalem, where (Haydock) Solomon rendered homage to the Lord. (Calmet)

Ver. 14.

Chariots. See 3 Kings iv. 26. No king of Israel kept such a multitude of horses. (Calmet)

Ver. 15.

Sycamores are trees of small value, and not good for building. (Tirinus)

Ver. 16.

Coa may signify either some city, (Mariana) or an "exporium," where things are sold, as kuch means "a collection." (Tirinus) (3 Kings x. 28.) Neglecting the points of the Masorets, we may well understand Coa, a city of Egypt, or an island of the Mediterranean. The Masorets read Mikve, instead of Micoa. (Du Hamel)
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