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Chapter 7

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Ver. 2. Majesty; the cloud. For some time the priests were obliged to keep at a distance. They afterwards offered up many victims. (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

Glory. The same word was before rendered majesty. (Haydock)

Ver. 4.

Victims, by the hands of the priests: or they slew them themselves, and presented the blood and fat to be placed on the altar by the priests.

Ver. 5.

Rams, including sheep and goats. --- People, each in their proper sphere. The priests had the chief part, as the ministers of religion. The solemnity continued for a week, and many altars were erected in the court. (Calmet)

Ver. 6.

Which music, or Psalms, (carminum) David had composed. (Haydock) --- Because. This was the chorus of the 135th Psalm, which was sung on this occasion by some, while others played on their musical instruments. (Calmet) --- Literally, "singing by their hands." Protestants, "when David praised by their ministry." (Haydock) --- As the temple was chosen by God for the place of prayer, so special forms of blessing, &c., are more agreeable to him. (Worthington)

Ver. 9.

Solemnity of tabernacles, (Menochius) which ensued after the dedication was ended.

Ver. 10.

Day. He had given them leave to depart, the day before, 3 Kings viii. 66.

Ver. 14.

Face, to appease me, that I may look down upon them in mercy. (Calmet)
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