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Chapter 1

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Ver. 1. Babylonia. Septuagint, "Babylon," where Jechonias was in prison, (Haydock) now the 5th year, ver. 2. Baruch accompanied his brother Saraias, Jeremias li. 59. (Calmet) --- Capellus supposes that the author confounded them together, which is not probable. (Houbigant)

Ver. 2.

Month, in which the king was taken. (Calmet) --- This was the fifth anniversary. (Haydock) --- Fire: but soon extinguished. (Usher) --- The taking of the city was effected at intervals, (Haydock) during eleven years, in the fifth of which this book was written. Jerusalem was at last reduced to ashes. As yet there were priests, a temple, &c., ver. 7, 14. (Worthington) (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

Jechonias. He was in prison, where the Jews met to hear the words of Jeremias; (li. 59., &c.; Calmet) or the king might hear the letter in private. (Houbigant)

Ver. 4.

Sodi. Hebrew zud, (Haydock) means "pride," and probably denotes the great river Euphrates. (Calmet) --- Bochart reads Sur, (Houbigant) or Sori. The city Sura was there. (Calmet)

Ver. 7.

Joakim, or Eliacim, high priest under Manasses, &c., Isaias xxii. 20. (Calmet) --- The text only says that he was priest, and Capellus asserts there was no pontiff then. (Houbigant)

Ver. 8.

Siven; a Syriac month, corresponding with our May. (Menochius) --- Vessels; or, "the vessels were of silver." (Haydock) --- By retrenching a, which, it would seem that they asked for the golden vessels. Sedecias had made silver ones to supply their place. These also might have been taken away. (Calmet) --- Baltassar had still those of gold, (Daniel v. 2.; Menochius) or at least some of them. (Haydock) --- Sedecias, now in favour, only asked for what he had made while a private man. (Houbigant)

Ver. 9.

All. Cunctos should be vinclos, according to the Greek, "prisoners." (Calmet)

Ver. 10.

Meat. Literally, "manna," as Septuagint express Hebrew monee; (Haydock) or as it is pointed, mincha; which properly means an "oblation" (Jeremias xvii. 26.; Menochius) of bread, wine, &c. (Calmet) --- And offerings. Literally, "offer." --- Greek, "has for sin before frankincense. (Haydock)

Ver. 11.

King. Gratitude and duty prompted them, Jeremias xxix. 7., and 1 Timothy ii. 2. --- Baltassar. Evilmerodac, his elder brother, was in disgrace. (Lyranus) (Jeremias lii. 31.) (Calmet) --- Heaven, as long and prosperous as possible. (Haydock) --- It was a customary salutation to say, O king, live for ever, Daniel ii. 4., and Psalm lxxxviii. 30. (Calmet) --- Cappellus says Baltassar was not yet born. But how does he know this? It might be the title of the heir apparent, (Haydock) or of the king's sons. We need not decide in a point of such antiquity. (Houbigant)

Ver. 12.

Eyes, putting an end to our captivity, (Badwell) or causing us to detest our sins. (Calmet) --- Days. This they knew was God's decree, and they submit. (Haydock) --- They prefer serving the Chaldeans before other foreign nations. (Worthington)

Ver. 14.

Proper festival days. (Calmet) --- Hebrew mohed, or muad. They were still observed (Haydock) in the temple.

Ver. 20.

Curses against transgressors, Leviticus xxvi., and Daniel ix. 11. (Calmet) --- Day. We feel the effects of sin. The land of Juda was not flourishing, though not yet laid waste. (Haydock)

Ver. 22.

Serve, or sacrifice unto: (Sanctius) operata Deo: (Tibul.) or to worship, chap. ii. 21. (Calmet)
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