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Chapter 5

> ‎Chapter 6‎ > 

Ver. 2. Garment. Hebrew, "cloak," (Sanctius) such as were worn by people under no disgrace, chap. iv. 20. Thamar had one very costly, 2 Kings xiii. 18. (Calmet) --- Justice, or mercy. God is bound to fulfill his gracious promises. (Worthington)

Ver. 3.

His. Greek, "thy." Christ, the sun of justice, would effect this, Isaias lx. 1.

Ver. 4.

Piety. Thus shall Jerusalem be distinguished after the captivity; but still more so when Christ shall appear, and give peace to his Church, after the ages of persecution.

Ver. 5.

Arise. Chap. iv. 36., and Isaias lii. 2. --- God. They remember his law with pleasure.

Ver. 6.

Children. Greek, "the throne." The return of the captives was a triumph, Isaias xlvi. 20., and xlix. 22. They had abundance of horses, &c., 1 Esdras ii. 66. Darius gave them a convoy of 1000 horsemen. (3 Esdras v. 2.) (Josephus, Antiquities xi. 4.)

Ver. 7.

Diligently, without stumbling under the pillar of God's protection, Isaias xl. 3. (Calmet)

Ad vos qua veniet, tumidi subsidite montes

Et faciles curvis vallibus este viæ. (Ovid, Am. ii. 16.)

Ver. 8.

Woods. This is a poetical description. They shall pass through the sands of Arabia, as if they were under a delightful shade.
Subpages (1): Chapter 6