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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: All things are good for a time, but not forever. God has made things well - for their times. In v10 Q even says that God has put eternity into man's mind. This seems not to mean our Christian sense - though we see in various places, as explained in the introduction, that he seems to understand a real afterlife. But in context it seems to mean that even with endless time man cannot fathom the works of God. And even today without great advances in natural science, we are far from understanding all. We have the means of seeing and admiring His works more fully than past generations: yet even so we do not come to the end of it, e.g., the intricacies of the human brain still escape the best medical men.

He notices that even in the courts of justice there is wickedness. But yet: "God will judge the righteous and the wicked. He has appointed a time for that." Again, we see a definite indication of a future judgment, for in this life it is still true that wickedness so often prevails even in the place of justice. He asks: Who knows if the spirit of man goes up and that of the beast down - we discussed this line in the introduction

Subpages (1): Chapter 4