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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: He warns against the sacrifice of fools-- they indeed may make offerings, without the proper attitude of heart - that of which God complained in Isaiah 29. 13:"They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Q may also have in mind the endless prayers of pagans, such as the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18: they called on Baal from morning to noon, and even cut themselves with their daggers, but with no result.

Q also warns against making a vow and not keeping it. We think of Luther who broke all his vows, and then ridiculed those who do NOT break vows.

Superstitious interest in dreams is also to be avoided. God at times has used dreams to communicate with men-but this is the exception: to imagine He is doing it a lot with you is folly.

A laborer is apt to get good sleep; he who overeats may find being gorged makes sleep hard to reach. So better is moderation and enjoying what God gives you. Then life will pass without becoming wearisome.

Subpages (1): Chapter 6