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Chapter 4

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Eph 4:6

This, There is one Lord and one God the Father of all; that is to say, we do not consider that there are different Lords and different Gods, but One only.

This, Above all, and by means of all and in us all, that is to say, He is about to reign over all and works and acts by means of all through the gifts of the Spirit, and dwells in each of us, and has free intercourse.


Eph 4:8-9

This, You have gone up on high, You have led Captivity captive; Paul cites it not as it is said in prophecy; but he uses it instructively according to the Scriptural custom; so therefore instead of Thou hast taken he put You have given because it is about Christ who gave bread, and not that He took it, that is to say, that He fought the fight on our behalf against the Devil; and when He vanquished him, and rose first from Death, He made the destruction of the general Death to everybody; and when they were held like captives beneath the authority of Satan, He snatched us from his tyranny; and since thus for the sake of all He gained the victory against Satan, He ascended to Heaven, and received from the Father the grace of the Spirit, and gave it to men, and first to the Apostles, and by their hands to those men whom He had snatched from Satan. And because there was no confidence in this, it having been spoken of a man, Paul adds, Now what is it that He ascended? but that He also descended etc., not beneath the Earth, but he calls it the lower parts of the Earth; as about the Heaven he would say that He would not have ascended had it not been that the Divine Nature dwelt in Him beforehand, which was higher than the Heavens. Others have explained the lower parts of the Earth as His descent to the grave, saying that in His death He gave hope to all the race of Adam, that has gone down and been scattered and dispersed and mingled with all the parts of the Earth.


Eph 4:10

He that descended is the same that also ascended. This, he says, is in Baptism, in which the Divine Nature comes down.

He ascended up far above all Heavens, that it might be seen that He is in all, and all looks to Him because of the Nature that dwells in Him. This sentence is like this. No man has ascended to Heaven, save, etc.

This, That He might fulfill all, or that He fulfills, and does all; a sitting at the head of all His works, moving and preserving them all; or that He may perfect and fulfill all the will of the Father, in the renewal of all existences.


Eph 4:13

This, In the measure of the complete stature. The Interpreter thus explains, saying, From the difference of the word of the Apostle it is evident that he speaks of the union of Believers, as they are members of  the Body of Christ; but the tradition of the School, that is, the illustrious Doctors (of the School of Nisibis), interprets thus, saying, When a resurrection of us all takes place, all men of every age and stature and measure, will be in one measure of stature in the world to come, that is to say, will stand in the measure of the stature of Christ, that is to say, they shall be thirty-three years of age.


Eph 4:30

Grieve not the Holy Spirit, that is to say, by your works and by your words; for just as weariness and sorrow and anger, etc., are said about God, thus also about the Spirit, that He is grieved, and is quenched, etc. This, Whereby they had been sealed, is in the likeness of soldiers who are sealed in their arms, that they may receive their salaries from the King. He calls the Resurrection the day of redemption.

Subpages (1): Chapter 5