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Chapter 5

> ‎Chapter 6‎ >  
Eph 5:3 

He calls uncleanness either much fornication, or sodomy.

He calls covetous men idolaters because in the same manner (as idolatry) covetousness is able to remove from God. Others say, that as the idolater does not consider that he is judged by a dumb idol, thus neither does the covetous man believe that he shall be repaid by God.


Eph 5:14

This, Awake, you that sleep, and arise from the dead, etc., is said by one of the Believers who was at Ephesus; because at that time there were many in Ephesus, with different gifts of the Spirit; and they had this also, that they could make psalms and hymns like the Blessed David. He calls the Heathen sleepers; and darkness the time before the coming of our Lord; and light His advent, in which He will summon every one to know truth and to cultivate good things.


Eph 5:27

This, Having no spot nor wrinkle, in the likeness of a vessel which is whitened by a fuller, and its defilement cleansed, and even the wrinkles are smoothed out, and the filthiness which is in it.

Eph 5:32
This is a great mystery, but I speak, etc., that is to say, what was said in the beginning about men and women, was fulfilled mystically about Christ and His Church; for we shall all by the spiritual birth receive the Resurrection and be united to Christ, and become in His likeness in immortality, and incorruptibility. 
Subpages (1): Chapter 6