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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: In the 30th year--- we do not know the starting point
for the computation. But it must have been between the two
invasions by Nebuchednezzar, in 596 and 586 - Ezekiel was in
exile, living near the River Chebar when he saw a vision. A great
wind came from the north and a storm cloud, with brightness and
fire flashing about it. In the middle were the likenesses of four
living creatures. The description is unclear. The creatures had
the likeness of men but each had four faces and four wings. The
wings touched one another. They went straight forward without
turning or coming back. Each had the face of a man in front, the
face of a lion on the right, the face of an ox on the left, and
the face of an eagle on the back.

The Fathers of the Church liked to see these as standing for the
four Evangelists. The face of a man stood for Matthew, with his
opening genealogy on the humanity of Jesus. The face of the lion
stood for Mark, whose Gospel opens with John in the desert. The
fact of the ox stood for Luke whose Gospel opens with sacrifice in
the temple. The face of the eagle stood for John's Gospel; with
its soaring vision of the Divine Word. The fact that they always
went forward without taking anything back stood for the inerrancy
of the Gospels. They went wherever the Spirit went-- inspiration,
said the Fathers.

Ezekiel further saw wheels besides the creatures, one for each.
The wheels gleamed like chrysolite. There were wheels within
wheels -unclear what is meant. Whenever the creatures went, the
wheels went and could rise from the earth, for the spirit was in
the wheels.

Over the heads of the creatures was a firmament, like crystal.
When they went, the sound was like that of many waters. Above the
firmament was a throne, like sapphire. He who sat on it seemed to
have human form, but from his loins and up there was an appearance
of gleaming bronze. His lower part was like fire. There was a
brightness like a rainbow over Him.

Naturally, Ezekiel fell on his face. Then he heard a voice

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