Interlinear Glosses

Chapter 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was, and so on.
a. That is from the beginning with the Father.  b. And the Word was made flesh.  c. With fellow men. d. And we beheld His glory.  e. Of course on the mountain we have gotten to know his life, his manners, and even, with our spiritual eyes, his divine virtue.   f. True body, not a ghost.  g. Giver of life in the soul and in the body.

1 That which was from the beginninga, which we have heardb, which we have seenc
with our eyesd, which we have looked upone and our handsf have handled, of the wordg of life.

a. The Bread of angels assuming to men to become known, He was famous for miracles, He rose, and He made others rise up, through this His life was manifested.  b. To be faithful.  c. In the eternal divinity.  d. In the moment to humanity.  e. He repeats.

2 For the lifea was manifested: and we have seen and do bear witness and declare unto youb the life eternalc, which was with the Father and has appearedd to use.

a In the flesh.  b. The words of His mouth.  c. As if to say you should believe it from those who had seen and heard.  d. Who have not seen.  e. Not for any temporal gain, but as for living well, believing well, patiently enduring all things.  f. It is by our fellowship that we may cross over to God's fellowship.  In order that we may be heirs of God, and joint-heirs of Christ. 

3 That which we have seena and have heardb, we declarec unto youd: thate you also may have fellowshipf with us and our fellowship may be with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

a. Not just a casual report for the day, but to commit to memory.  b. In this world in the unity of the Church, and in the future in the fellowship of angels.  c. Or us.  d. As guiding many to the same fellowship.

4 And these things we writea to you, that you may rejoiceb and yourc joyd may be full.

a. Believed.  b. Which expels the darkness of sin.  c. That is ignorance or deception.

5 And this is the declaration which we have heard from him and declare unto youa: That God is lightb and in him there is no darknessc.

a. By faith and charity, which God unites.  b. Piling sin upon sin.   c. In sins.  d. In our lives.  In word and deed.  e. While our example we induce others to the same lies.  If for this reason when we are light, because Christ is said to be light, then His example is illuminating others.  

6 If we say that we have fellowshipa with him and walkb in darknessc, we lied and do not the truthe.

a. Through loveb. And with merit.  The Sacrament of our Lord's Passion loosens all sins, both original and actual.

7 But if we walk in the light, as he also is in the light, we have fellowshipa one with another: And the bloodb of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.

a. By arrogance of our own righteousness.  b. The more grievous sinsc. Because God withdraws himself from the you.

8 If we saya that we have no sinb, we deceive ourselves and the truthc is not in us.

a. But   b. With humility.  c. God, who promised, is faithful by carrying out grace to the humble, who forgives those with a true confession.  d. Us as the accused.  e. Without forgiveness there is no life.  f. After the destruction of the flesh.  Into eternal life. 

9 aIf we confessb our sins, he is faithfulc and just, to forgive usd our sinse and to cleansef us from all iniquity.

a. If we confess, we are cleansed, but if we wish to honor ourselves, we remain uncleanb. As if we do not need to be absolved.  c. Job.  Who says, Not even the infant is said to be without one sin.  d. Christ, through whom there is forgiveness, does not live in the proud, or a word that is said.  How much greater you are, humble in all things.

10 Ifa we say that we have notb sinned, we make him a liarc: and his wordd is not in us.


a. They provide you with all you need to obey me.  b. In order to keep in memory.  c. We do not have to sin. 

1 My little childrena, these things I write to youb, that you may not sinc. But if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the just.

a. He propitiated us to God as was foretold, and intercession.  b. not for ours only, who are now living in the flesh, but for the whole Church. Do not say "Here is Christ, there is Christ", Christ is everywhere, you can propitiate him everywhere.

2 And he is the propitiationa for our sins: and bnot for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.

a. For this is what it is to know God, to love.  b. Charity.

3 And by this we knowa that we have known him, if we keep his commandmentsb.

a. He who keeps the commandments, he knows him, for those who do not keep, he does not know him.  b. This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.  c. For Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.  d. Or in hoc

4 He whoa says that he knows him and keeps not his commandmentsb is a liar: and the truthc is not in himd.

a. As if to say, he knows him.  b. If he does not keep his commandments c. We live life in trueness, not in sorrow.

5 But he that keeps his worda, in him in very deed the charity of God is perfectedb. And by this we know that we are in himc.

a. The commandments truly ought to be observed, since after baptism we say that we live in him; and He says he is...  b. In the path of justice, and of charity, and of patience.  He prayed for his enemies.  c. He says, anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his crossd. From strength to strengthIn their own way.

6 He that says hea abides in him oughtb himself also to walkc even as he walkedd.

a. They should take note of these commandments, because they are not new.  b. and unheard of.  This was common from the time of Abel, and the holy fathers, not because it was old.  c. of your faith.  d. And this word which you have heard of me, and from other preachers, is that old commandment, old because you have heard it.

7 Dearly beloveda, I write not a newb commandment to you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginningc. The old commandmentd is the word which you have heard.

a. And you must keep this commandment, which I do not proclaim and recommend only once, but, because I see that it is very useful, I repeat it again and again as if it were a new one.   b. This is a renewing.  c. Not a shadow.   d. in this it appears to be new and also true because the darkness is past  e. The night is far gone, the day is at hand.  f. He speaks plainly to all, but not everyone hears clearly.

8 aAgain a newb commandment I write unto you: which thing is truec both in him and in you, dbecause the darknesse is passed and the truef light now shines.

a. Of the Christian faith, or good works.  With a beam in his eye.  b. in the sins into which he had been born.  c. What God commanded every person.  d. That is, destined to the darkness of hell.  is in the darkness even when he had access to God through baptism.
9 He that says he is in the lighta and hatesb his brotherc is in darknessd even until now.

a. Qui/Sed   b. He remains in the light of good works, for then good works and the light of faith are of benefit to him.   c. Hence, the eye is disturbed.

10 He thata loves his brother abides in the lightb: and there is no scandalc in him.

a. Ignorance.

11 But he that hates his brother is in adarkness and walks in darkness and knows not where he goes: because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

                                                                      ~ Ignorantiae.                                          a. De unitio in uitium             b.   Quia reatum suum non intelligit.                 

11 qui autem odit fratrem suum ~in tenebris est et in atenebris ambulat et bnescit quo

                                                 c. Ita turbat oculum, odium excaecat. 

eat quoniam tenebrae cobcaecaverunt oculos eius

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