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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Even though reward is promised for living by wisdom
yet if one comes to serve the Lord for and in wisdom, he
should be ready for trial or temptation. It will come.Sirach
did not know about the great future vision,but what he did
know was true enough.

St.Paul told  the thessalonians (1. 3.3) that trouble
(=thlipsis) was their lot.  For,if one gathers up things from
all over Paul's Epistles we find that the whole Christian
regime  can be summed up in this: We are saved and made holy
if and to the extent that we are  members of Christ,and also
like Him. For (Rom 8.17) :we are fellow heirs [of God]
together with Christ, provided we suffer with Him so we may
also be glorified with Him."Sirach saw this only partly .Yet
he could write (2.5): "Gold is tested in the fire,and men who
are acceptable in the furnace of humiliation."
Subpages (1): Chapter 3