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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: V.17 urges great humility, for "the punishment of
the wicked is fire and worms." So reads the Septuagint.  The
Hebrew, which is a bit older than the LXX, says:"The
expectation of man is worms." So the LXX seems to know of
hell,while the Hebrew could mean merely decay of the body.

V.19 urges the reader to have a good and wise wife:she
is worth more than gold (cf.7.26).We need to keep this in mind
when we read some of the seemingly strongly oppposite texts
about wives later on in chapter 25.13-24.

In 7.28 we have the divine social security system, as in
the fourth commandment: when we were little, they did
everything for us, made great sacrifices, even gave us life. 
If they break down in old age, it is our turn.
Subpages (1): Chapter 8