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Chapter 1


Ver. 1. Wisdom. In this book, Wisdom is taken for the Deity, the Son, or the gift communicated to men, Proverbs iii. 19., and Wisdom vii. 25. (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

God. This is eternal and unsearchable, more than the sand of the sea, &c., Isaias xl. 12. (Haydock) --- Man cannot comprehend God's works. (Worthington)

Ver. 4.

Created. Or "generated," if it be understood of the Son. (St. Athanasius) (Bos.[Bossuet?]) --- The wisdom which is given to man, was in God before the creation, Proverbs viii. 22. (Calmet) --- The decree regarding the incarnation was from eternity. (Menochius)

Ver. 5.

Commandments. The wise will observe the law (Deuteronomy iv. 6.; Haydock) and the Scriptures. This verse is not in the Greek of Rome, &c., but it is in the edition of Complutensian and Camerarius.

Ver. 9.

In the Holy Ghost, or from himself. See Wisdom i. 5., and vii. 22. Greek omits these words. (Calmet)

Ver. 11.

Joy. Eternal glory is the fruit of the fear of the Lord; not that this virtue sufficeth, but it is the beginning, grounded on true faith, and bringeth forth other virtues, and fruits of the Holy Ghost, and a joyful crown in the end. (Worthington) --- The virtuous enjoy or deserve honour. (Calmet)

Ver. 16.

Womb. Grace has prevented them. (Haydock) --- They are free from evil dispositions, Wisdom viii. 19., and Job xxxi. 18. --- Women; feminis, or rather seminis. (Calmet) --- Greek, "it shall be intrusted to their seed." (Haydock) --- "His mercy is fixed with their seed." (Syriac) (Menochius) --- This includes both men and women.

Ver. 17.

Religiousness, or proper application of knowledge. (Haydock) --- A learned impious man is most dangerous. This and the two next verses are not in Greek.

Ver. 27.

Sin, by vigilance or by repentance.

Ver. 29.

To him, as may be seen in the lives of the patriarchs.

Ver. 32.

Sinner. Such imagine that God's service is insupportable. (Worthington)

Ver. 35.

Faith, or fidelity. (Menochius) --- The meek shall possess the land, Matthew v. 4. (Calmet)

Ver. 39.

Down. Pride is usually thus treated, Matthew xxiii. 12. (Calmet)
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