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Chapter 2


Ver. 1. God. All must be tried, Tobias xii. 13., and Hebrews xii. 6., and Luke xxiv. 46. But God will grant sufficient grace, 1 Corinthians x. 13. (Calmet)

Ver. 2.

Humble. Greek, "regulate thy heart, and endure, and make not haste in the time of trouble," (Haydock) inflicted by God. (Grotius) --- But not impatient, Isaias xxviii. 16. --- Clouds. Literally, "overcast," obductionis. (Haydock) --- Desire not death, in order to be covered from the miseries of life; for that would (Worthington) border on despair. (Haydock)

Ver. 3.

Patience. Or expectation of being relieved. (Menochius)

Ver. 5.

Humiliation. It shews what they really are. (Calmet)

Ver. 10.

Enlightened. With joy, Isaias lviii. (Menochius) --- This verse is not in Greek. To avoid such frequent repetitions, it would be well to mark the passage in different characters, (Haydock) or between crotchets, as in the French version. (Calmet) --- Yet the Greek editions are not uniform. See Drusius and Hæschel.

Ver. 14.

Ways. Attempting to reconcile the service of the world with that of God, who rejects hypocrites, (Haydock) the inconstant, and faint-hearted, ver. 15., and 3 Kings xviii. 21. (Calmet) --- Virtues and sins will receive their due. (Worthington)

Ver. 20.

Hearts. With God's grace (Haydock) to fight manfully. (Calmet) --- Sanctify. Greek, "humble their souls, saying, we shall," &c., ver. 22. (Haydock) --- Prayer, vigilance, and humility are the best dispositions to resist the devil.

Ver. 22.

Men. He alludes to 2 Kings xxiv. 14. In this world, God punishes with mercy; in the next, with severity, Daniel xiii. 23. (Calmet)
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