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Chapter 9

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Ver. 1. God. This prayer, which continues to the end of the book, is a paraphrase of 3 Kings iii. 6., &c., with several additional instructions, to remind people in authority of the love of justice. (Calmet)

Ver. 7.

King. Hence it appears, that the sentiments of Solomon are expressed. (Worthington) --- Judge. This is the first duty of a king. --- Thy sons. He ought to govern his people, remembering that they are God's creatures and children.

Ver. 8.

Beginning. In thy eternal decrees, or when thou madest choice of Israel. (Haydock) --- The temple was greater, but very like the tabernacle: only the court of the priests was divided from that of the people. In the desert, the whole camp was considered a the court of the latter. (Calmet)

Ver. 9.

With thee. The uncreated wisdom is God himself: that which is communicated to man is his gift, ver. 10. (Worthington) --- World. Proverbs viii. 22. This request shews what idea Solomon had of God's majesty, for which he was preparing a temple.

Ver. 17.

Thought. How shall we govern as we ought, and act as thy vicegerents, without thy Spirit? (Proverbs xvi. 10., and 2 Kings xiv. 17.)

Ver. 19.

Whosoever, &c., is not in the Septuagint. But men includes as much. (Haydock) --- The saints have been preserved from the contagion and punishments of the world only by means of the divine benefit. (Calmet)
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