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Chapter 11

> ‎Chapter 12‎ > ‎Chapter 13‎ > ‎Chapter 14‎ > ‎Chapter 15‎ > ‎Chapter 16‎ > ‎Chapter 17‎ > ‎Chapter 18‎ > ‎Chapter 19‎ >  

Ver. 1. Prophet. Moses, (Challoner) by whose ministry the Hebrews were delivered, (Haydock) and governed with the utmost prudence, Numbers xii. 26. (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

Their enemies. The Amalecites, (Challoner) and all others, who durst attack Moses, Deuteronomy iii. 1.

Ver. 5.

By what things, &c. The meaning is, that God, who wrought a miracle to punish the Egyptians by thirst, when he turned all their waters into blood, (at which time the Israelites, who were exempt from those plagues, had plenty of water) wrought another miracle in favour of his own people in their thirst, by giving them water out of the rock. (Challoner) --- The Egyptians were thus tormented by thirst, though so near the Nile; and the Hebrews were refreshed in a barren desert, Exodus vii. 20.

Ver. 7.

River. The Nile, to which the Egyptians gave divine honours. (Calmet) --- Thou. Septuagint, "disturbed with corrupted blood, in punishment of the infanticide decree, thou gavest," &c.

Ver. 14.

By their punishments, &c. That is, that the Israelites had been benefited and miraculously favoured in the same kind, in which they had been punished. (Challoner) --- Benefited. After war, peace is more agreeable. (Worthington)

Ver. 16.

Serpents. The Egyptians adored asps, and fed them at their tables, without receiving any harm. (Ælian. Hist. xvii. 5.) --- Dumb beasts. Viz., frogs, sciniphs, flies, and locusts. (Challoner)

Ver. 24.

Repentance. If people neglect to reform their conduct in this world, they must expect to be treated with all severity in the other.

Ver. 25.

It. Sin and disorder is the work of man, deserving hatred. (Calmet) --- God created nothing evil, nor is there any but one God, as the Manichees pretended. (Worthington)

Ver. 26.

Called. Into existence, or into its proper place, Romans iv. 17.

Ver. 27.

All. Awaiting their amendment, and unwilling to destroy thy creatures, chap. xii. 10. Hence thou didst not exterminate the Egyptians at once. (Calmet)
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