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Chapter 1

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2 Tim 1:4

This, I, being mindful of your tears, etc., that is to say, those which you did shed when I was about to part from you; and I said to you, that you should see my face again no more.


2 Tim 1:5

This, Which dwelt first, that is to say, the grace of the Spirit which dwelt first, that is to say, thou also resembles thy parents; probably they had been instructed before him. I am persuaded, he says, that you also resembles them.


2 Tim 1:7

This, God has not given us the spirit of fear, that is to say, we ought not even to fear the ills that outsiders may inflict on us; because the grace of the Spirit is sufficient to give us power, and to bind us to the love of God.


2 Tim 1:12

But endure hardships with the Gospel, that is to say, because the Gospel also was completed by means of sufferings, it is necessary that you also share in it by means of sufferings.


2 Tim 1:15

Phygellus and Hermogenes had been among the Believers, and had departed from the Faith.

Subpages (1): Chapter 2