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Chapter 2

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2 Tim 2:6

This, Let the husbandman that labors, etc., that is to say because he commanded him not to be careful about corporeal things; as he saw him that he was in need of food and raiment, he gives him a hint by means of this, that he should receive from the Believers the things useful to his necessity which they gave to him.


2 Tim 2:17

And their word will eat like a canker, etc.; for that is a disease which, breaking out in one member, flows into all the body, and falling on one sheep, flows into all the flock.


2 Tim 2:18

Saying, that the Resurrection of the dead has taken place, that is to say, that Resurrection that is preached by us they do not believe can possibly happen; but they affirm and teach that which is done daily, that when a man dies, his son is born and rises instead of him, that is to say, by means of the series and succession of one from the other; like the leaves of the trees, some of which wither and some sprout.


2 Tim 2:20

And consoling him because he had been grieved, having seen that many were going astray from the Truth, he says, Now in a great house there are not only, etc. He calls the Church a great house, as it is composed of many and various men; and they do not resemble one another, just as not even in a great house all the vessels resemble one another, etc.

Subpages (1): Chapter 3