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Chapter 4


2 Tim 4:1

Who shall judge the dead and the living at the appearing of His kingdom. The Greek says the dead and the living; first, that is to say, the body and the soul equally, the one not being separated from the other; second, he says, the dead who have died in sin, and have hidden by their neglect the talent which they received, and who lived afterwards in the love of God; third, he calls dead those who died of old; and the living those who shall remain at His appearing.


2 Tim 4:2

This, Stand in diligence in season and out of season; he does not say this, that Timothy should do anything out of season; but that thou should not neglect not even one opportunity, without teaching whenever thy hearers  are ready; that is to say, strive to teach in measure and without measure. Hanana says Preach the word and stand in diligence in time of grief and in time of joy, but keep time for the necessities of thy body; and to preach the Gospel continually; the Greek says reprove, rebuke and console. Reprove, he says, him who remains in his sin, that by means of reproof he may repent; but rebuke, that when you observe his folly you may set a time-limit to him. Console, inasmuch as you turn him to the former things after his repentance.


2 Tim 4:6

This, Henceforth I am poured out, that is to say, for the sake of the confession of Christ may my blood be shed like the pouring out of libation wine which is shed for the propitiation of a god.


2 Tim 4:8

He calls it a crown of righteousness because it will be given on account of his work; that is to say, which is plaited of righteousness, and not of laurel, or of oleander; that is to say, a crown of wild olive, etc., with which worldly athletes were crowned.


2 Tim 4:9-10, 13

For Dema has forsaken me, and loved this world, and turned aside to evil things, and hath acquired a wife and a house, and is joined to earthly things. Others, who hit the mark better, say that Dema had left Paul, and was with those who preached Circumcision and the observances of the law, etc. (Verse 10) Criscus and Titus; he does not say that they had left him like Dema; but he merely announces that they were not with him. Instead of a book-case, (Verse 13) the Greek says cloak, the thing which he wore in winter, which was a cloak; and it is evident that he does not speak about a book-case, from his adding the books and folded rolls.The Jews then and now generally wrote sacred books in folded rolls.


2 Tim 4:14

This, The Lord will reward Alexander the coppersmith; not cursing him, but as in prophecy, which also in fact took place in this way.

In the region of Assyria and of Beth Garmai they call a coppersmith one who works in vessels of gold and silver; but a blower, one who works in vessels of iron; but the Scriptures, and people of other places call a coppersmith him who uses iron and also silver, etc. Now this Alexander was skillful in the workmanship of iron, and wrought beside his anvil a statue in the form of a man holding in his hands a hammer or mace; and many even among the Greeks worked thus; and it was made with skill, so that whenever the smith wished it beat and struck, that is to say, the statue did; and whenever he wished it refrained; like that pipe that was called φαεθων which was put in a consecrating vessel, that is to say, in his vestment; when it was bent to one side water came out; and when it was turned round to the other side the water was stopped. One of these days, when the head of this Alexander was put upon the anvil, and he was sunk in sleep, suddenly that hammer became open and loosed, and it began beating vehemently upon his head ; and in that torment he died according to the prophecy of Paul.


2 Tim 4:17

He calls Nero Caesar a lion.

And the Lord shall deliver me from; for he did not say, The Lord shall deliver me from Nero; as in two years he was about to be killed by him.

This also Paul wrote from Rome.

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