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Ishodad of Merv on Philippians

> ‎Chapter 1‎ > ‎Chapter 2‎ > ‎Chapter 3‎ > ‎Chapter 4‎ > ‎  

The Philippians were a people admirable in their manners; and they constantly took great care to supply the wants of the Apostle; but it happened that excellent people among them had a strife about the leadership, as usually happens among men on account of the weakness of their nature. Again, those of the Circumcision who were accustomed to revile Paul that they might overturn his doctrine, came there also, teaching that along with faith in Christ, they ought also to observe legal things. He wrote this Epistle from Rome, after his first defense before Nero. Now Philippi was the capital of Macedonia.

Subpages (1): Chapter 1