Chapter 1

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Phil 1:1

With the Elders and Deacons; the Greek instead of Elders, says Bishops. Nevertheless it is evident that they were Elders; because it was not possible that in one city there should be many Bishops; and also the Interpreter says, they were Elders?

Now he put the name of Timothy with his own, as him whom he had once sent to Macedonia along with Aretas, and they knew him.


Phil 1:13

This, In all the palace, that is to say, they (the bonds) were made known to the Emperor, and to those who were round him. The Palace is the dwelling of the Monarch.


Phil 1:20

This, That now also Christ may be magnified in my body, that is to say, that though trials are thus multiplied against me, that I might cut off hope of this life, yet thus I hope and trust, that Christ may be magnified in me, whether I live or die.

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