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Chapter 3

> ‎Chapter 4‎ >   

Phil 3:12

This, Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect, etc.; for because Christ had been revealed to him from on high, and had shown His glory, he says this, I have not yet come to perfection, nevertheless I hope, and I do all, hastening to be a partaker in these things through which the knowledge of Christ is manifested. At that time I was persecuting, and He overtook me by means of His revelation, and converted me to the knowledge of Himself.

Behold! the Apostle continually by the name of a race commands them to strive with good conduct, that our pursuer may not overtake us, etc.(1 Cor 14:1), saying, Run after Love, and so run, that ye may attain, etc.(1 Cor 9:24)


Phil 3:19-21

Whose god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame, he says of those of the Circumcision, who were also careful about the distinction of meats, which was in the Law, and was commanded for obedience among the Jews; for they look to their belly as to a god; and they make up their mind that this is religion, that a man should eat this and not that; not considering that what they were eating would become dung, so that they would be ashamed even to look at it; this is the conclusion of their effort. Hanana says that both remain for shame, Circumcision, and distinction of meats; one ends in putrefaction, and the other, those whose mind is in the earth are ashamed to show; the observances of the Law being useful for this world. Instead of the body of His glory, the Greek says, Verse 21 glorious body. Hanana says, for although we will not be in the likeness of the glory of Christ, yet in other things we shall stand like Him.

Subpages (1): Chapter 4