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Wis 12

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The abominable crimes of the Chanaanites
1 O how good and sweet is your spirit, O Lord, in all things! 2 And therefore you chastise them that err, by little and little: and admonish them, and speak to them, concerning the things where they offend: that leaving their wickedness, they may believe in you, O Lord. 3 For those ancient inhabitants of your holy land, whom you did abhor, 4 Because they did works hateful to you by their sorceries, and wicked sacrifices, 5 And those merciless murderers of their own children, and eaters of men's bowels, and devourers of blood from the midst of your consecration, 6 And those parents sacrificing with their own hands helpless souls, it was your will to destroy by the hands of our parents, 7 That the land which of all is most dear to you might receive a worthy colony of the children of God.

God gave them many chances to repent
8 Yet even those you spared as men, and did send wasps, forerunners of your host, to destroy them by little and little. 9 Not that you were unable to bring the wicked under the just by war, or by cruel beasts, or with one rough word to destroy them at once: 10 But executing your judgments by degrees you gave them place of repentance, not being ignorant that they were a wicked generation, and their malice natural, and that their thought could never be changed. 11 For it was a cursed seed from the beginning: neither did you for fear of any one give pardon to their sins.

None can say that god punishes unjustly
12 For who shall say to you: What have you done? or who shall withstand your judgment? or who shall come before you to be a revenger of wicked men? or who shall accuse you, if the nations perish, which you have made? 13 For there is no other God but you, who have care of all, that you should show that you do not give judgment unjustly. 14 Neither shall king, nor tyrant in your sight inquire about them whom you have destroyed. 15 For so much then as you are just, you order all things justly: thinking it not agreeable to your power, to condemn him who deserves not to be punished.

Despite His power, God rules with forbearance
16 For your power is the beginning of justice: and because you are Lord of all, you make yourself gracious to all. 17 For you show your power, when men will not believe you to be absolute in power, and you convince the boldness of them that know you not. 18 But you being master of power, judge with tranquillity; and with great favour dispose of us: for your power is at hand when you will.

God in His mercy allows time for repentance
19 But you have taught your people by such works, that they must be just and humane, and have made your children to be of a good hope: because in judging you give place for repentance for sins. 20 For if you did punish the enemies of your servants, and that deserved to die, with so great deliberation, giving them time and place where they might be changed from their wickedness: 21 With what exactitude have you judged your own children, to whose parents you have sworn and made covenants of good promises? 22 Therefore where you chastise us, you scourge our enemies very many ways, to the end that when we judge we may think on your goodness: and when we are judged, we may hope for your mercy.

God destroyed the unrepentant Egyptians
23 Wherefore you have also greatly tormented them who in their life have lived foolishly and unjustly, by the same things which they worshipped. 24 For they went astray for a long time in the ways of error, holding those things for gods which are the most worthless among beasts, living after the manner of children without understanding. 25 Therefore you have sent a judgment upon them as senseless children to mock them. 26 But they that were not amended by mockeries and reprehensions, experienced the worthy judgment of God. 27 For seeing with indignation that they suffered by those very things which they took for gods, when they were destroyed by the same, they acknowledged him the true God, whom in time past they denied that they knew: for which cause the end also of their condemnation came upon them.
Commentary on Wisdom 12
12:1 in all things: Because the love of God is the source of all good. (Rabanus Maurus)

12:2 You chastise: that is, through those whom you fill, or by others whom you choose; Jn 16:8: ‘The Paraclete will convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment’. Blessed is the one who hears the voice of the one admonishing. (Rabanus Maurus)

12:3 those ancient inhabitants: namely, the Canaanites, Amorites. (St. Bonaventure)

12:6 helpless souls: those unable to defend themselves, or for whom they were unwilling to offer help. (Interlinear Gloss) For it is believed to be usual for humans to be referred to as souls. (Origen Hom Ex 1.3)

12:8 wasps: Most piercing enemies by whom the hearts of people were stung’. These are hornets of which Deuteronomy 7:20 says: ‘Moreover, the Lord your God will send also hornets among them until God destroys and consumes all’; Exodus 23:27-28: ‘I will send my fear before you’; and then: ‘Sending out hornets before that shall drive away the Hivites, and the Canaanites, and the Hittites, before you come in'. (Rabanus Maurus)

12:10 by degrees: But in parts, namely, part by part, gradually, not carrying out all vengeance. (Interlinear Gloss)

12:11 For it was a cursed seed from the beginning: by original sin. (Interlinear Gloss)

12:12 If they perish, it is not the fault of the Creator but a vice of nature. (Interlinear Gloss)
12:15 He who deserves not to be punished: that is, for eternity, you condemn: reproach, or he who does not accept correction, you condemn forever. Thinking it not agreeable to your power: That is, foreign to and unworthy of divine mercy. (Interlinear Gloss)

12:21 Of good promises: namely, of the promise of land and the blessing of the seed. (St. Bonaventure)

12:22 you scourge very many ways: There is a great gap between the judgment on the elect and on the reprobate; God corrects the former so that they might amend; the others pay the penalty for pride and breach of faith. To the end that when we judge we may think on your goodness: namely, on others whom we see are being scourged by you. (Rabanus Maurus)

12:24 For everything previously committed is a sin. But if it is not quickly cleansed by doing penance, by a just decree the omnipotent God allows the ensnared mind of the sinner to fall into another error, so that while not wanting to amend by weeping and correcting, the sin committed begins to grow in sin. Therefore, sin that is not washed away by a lament of penitence is both sin and the punishment of sin because from it arises that by which the soul of the sinner is further bound. (St. Gregory the Great Mor Job 25.9) Holding those things for gods which are the most worthless among beasts: that is, animals made artificially, not naturally. Artificial animals are called most worthless, because they are useless; but all natural animals have some value. (St. Bonavenure)

12:26 the end also of their condemnation will come upon them: Those whom scourging now does not correct, put it off for the future. (St. Gregory the Great Mor Job)
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